Insomnia T-shirts

One of the few total flash-based websites designed by me, the Insomnia site is special ,simply because of the incredibly easy-to-use basic content management system. As see in the screenshot above, the site allows an administrator to change the music, add and remove images to the main slideshow, add and remove mini-banners from the scroller at the bottom of the site and most importantly, add and remove T-shirt designs to every category under the "Mens" and "womens" pages.

The main loading graphic was also incorporated into a business card, presentation and other media by me, for the CEO of Insomnia, as he competed against several others for the "Fashion Entrepenuer Of The Year" competition in 2008.

This site will soon be no more, as Insomnia (I've been informed) now has its own in-house designer, who will give the two year old site a complete design and functional overhaul. It has been nice working with one of the most popular brands of t-shirts in Sri Lanka and being a part of its evolution.
Have a look before the overhaul - - Designs featured are all property of Insomnia Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.


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