H2O & Sugar, say goodbye

H2O's New Logo

Sugar & H2O Finale, Invitation

It was a extremely sad September, when H2O & Sugar announced the end of their reign as Colombo's top clubs, as the good old Union Place venue was changing ownership.

To me, H2O was more than just a happening nightclub (my favorite in fact). It wasn't just where I danced till dawn on many a night, but also where I made many new business connections and friends, which rocketed me up to the niche I was aiming at. H2O will surely be missed as Colombo's biggest and most happening nightclub, and Colombo's premier retro lounge, Sugar, will be missed just as much. 

Whenever the action died down in H2O, the crowd would race upstairs to sugar, party up there until H2O warmed up, and race back down. I had long ago lost count of the number of fliers, mailers, campaigns among many other design projects I have completed under these two names, and will always remember the hectic days of working on an event, followed by the whirling lights and auditory artistry with good friends and fellow party-goers.

The administration has informed me that there will be another club coming up soon, following the same concept of Sugar. Thank you for the memories, and thank you for the experiences!


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